Wednesday 8 February 2012

My very first short 3D animation video :) (Special Garage)

This is my very first animation video that I have made after my college. It's not all attractive nor it will be a very great animation compare to the other's I have seen but I believe practice makes perfect. :)

This animation is called "Special Garage". There is a reason why I have chosen this as a title for this animation.
This particular Garage was in the middle of the housing area. One night, a strange mechanic that is controlled by a frog like creature appeared out of nowhere and entered the strange "Garage". Right after entering the Garage, the slide door closes. Once the mechanical object entered the Garage, it teleports the frog like creature to an unknown basement.

Once, it was in that basement and started to test out his firing power. There was a car in the scene that was parked in the middle of the basement. It started to get to a position stands to hold the force of the firing threshold and started firing on the vehicle.

             I started off by creating a storyboard for this animation. Once the storyboard has been completed, I started drafting out the animation in Autodesk Maya. The reason for developing this animation is to expose myself to understanding how an animation is being develop and also understanding the process.

             Now I am just going to explain of the overall work that I have done on this particular project. The software that I have used to develop this animation is "Autodesk Maya 2012". As for the Visual Effect on the video was created through "Adobe After Effects CS4".

             The character and props was modeled in Autodesk Maya 2012. Once all the modeling is done, I started to key in the movements in the animation tab. When I was in the process of doing the key movement on the character, I had to analyst the way of how character would react on certain situations. It's hard to explain this part, basically what I am trying to say is, to make the character looks realistic in term of the poser, the movements, the stands, the balancing of the body.

            Once the animation has been completed, I started going to render stage. Now the rendering settings I have choosen for this animation, is the basic "Maya Software" configuration. I rendered using Jpeg sequence due to it is much safer, if anything were to happen during the rendering process, I can actually stop on that particular jpeg sequence and proceed from there.

            After days of rendering, it has finally been completed. I proceed to bring all the jpeg sequence to the "Adobe After Effect" application to start adding in Fire effect and making it into a video. I have added in the fire effect by using a fire effect from green screen. From there, I added it into the scene and remove the green screen by using a tool called "Keylight" from After Effects.

           Once all that have been completed, I proceed to rendering and set it to a video configuration. Thus, that's my very first animation experience.