Sunday 15 July 2012

My 1st Job Experience as an Event Stage Designer

Good Day Everyone, what I am about to post here is my very first job experience in the working environment.

My very first job was being a 3D stage designer in an Event Company. I have basically 2 role when I was working in this company. My first role as in production side was to modeling out a stage design for client. Once the stage has been modeled, we proceed to do a presentation to the client regarding the stage designs.

During the modeling process, we as a team in the event company share idea throughout the process to build up the stage design. Now, once the client accepted the stage. I as a 3D stage designer have to start creating the layouts and measurements of the entire stage. The software that I have used to create the layout is called Adobe Illustrator. As for the 3D stage design, I have used Autodesk Maya.
That's pretty much all my role during the production side.

Now, I am going to move on to the Setting up of the stage few days before the actual event starts. My 2nd role in this company, was being a "Stage Management". The responsibility of this role is to observe and guide the carpenter's to build up the stage according to the layout plan that I have drew. In this role, there is always a obstacle somewhere during the process of building up the stage, such as size differences, lack of equipments, and many more. When an obstacle happen, I will then need to find alternative ways to build it up as per shown in the layout plan.

Oh and I forgot, during the event session, I also did a role to guide our clients to follow the schedule that is set from the client's side, such as before the actual event starts, the CEO of the company have to make an entrance into the stage before the opening of the event, followed by the 2nd as per shown in the schedule list.

Now, there are quite a sum of company that we assist to organize their event but I am just going to list out a few event stage.

 Below are the list of company that we work with:
  • AIA
  • Avail
  • Easecox
  • Melilia
  • Amway
  • Perfect Pentagon
  • Prudential
  • Allianz