Friday 7 September 2012

Avail Jog Jakarta 2012

Avail Jog Jakarta 2012

Avail Jog Jakarta 2012 Stage Design

Event Company Name: Journal Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
Event Name: Avail Jog Jakarta 2012
Software Used: Autodesk Maya 2013
Render Mode: Maya Software
Design for: Avail
Concept by: Journal Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
3D Artist: IvanSingh
Location: Indonesia

For this event, we actually work with an event company in Indonesia. It took approximately almost a week just to set up the entire stage. We actually face a lot of challenge for this event due to we had a lot of changes for the schedules. We also did the recognition award animation slides in Jakarta. Below are a few more screenshot of the event stage.

That's pretty much for the event in Indonesia. What I have learn from this event is that, even though that the workload for setting up this event is a lot, I realize in the end, all the hard work actually paid off. The event was fun and very motivating at times.