Monday 22 December 2014

Audi R8 3D Model

3D Modeling Audi R8

Vehicle name: Audi R8
Application Used: Maya 2012, Adobe Photoshop
Time used: 1 Week
Lightings: V-Ray


Final Render Result (Without Texture):

Final Render Result:
Sorry for the low quality video, due to I can only upload a maximum of 100mb on the video.

Friday 22 August 2014

My Very first Character Design/Model

Character Design : Kethazer

Character name: Kethazer
Character type: Wood Creature
Application Used: Zbrush 4R4, Adobe Photoshop CS4
Time used: 3 Weeks
Render: Zbrush
Lightings: Zbrush

Saturday 22 March 2014

Aquatic Theme Entertainment Room

Picture that Inspired me:

First Attempt:

Final Result and Modification:
The middle square-ish is actually the LCD TV and both side with 2 large Shells is actually the Speaker + Lights.
Oh and before I forget, Each wall have 2 column of Aquariums.
The floor outside of the circle is actually a shallow water. Teenagers can just jump in and have fun :)

If you see clearly, there is a seat on the exterior of the middle circle.

This is the interior of the middle circle, where we have seats and neon light table. On the table itself, it comes in with a build in round circular touchscreen to adjust the temperature of the room, water and also able to control the TV.

I am not going to elaborate too much on this, because this is basically the interior of the middle circle. I really do like this angle shot.


This is my end result of the entire room that I have modeled.
I will also post some shots with characters on it, to show the ratio of a normal human being
with this room's environment size.
It is very huge. The reason why I made this room huge is also due to, I like huge stuff, it really does
put a "WOW" reaction to my face.

That's Pretty much for what I have done for this room. :)...Please do share some comments about this 3D model. I would really appreciate a feedback on what you guys think about this :)
Every comments counts for me :)